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Turn The Page

Sharing my love of books as long as I can...

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The Fiery Cross
Diana Gabaldon
Progress: 738/1443 pages
The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
Shelby Foote
Progress: 72/810 pages
The Gathering Storm
Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan
Progress: 695/766 pages

Book #883 - 355,009 Pages Read

The Man in the High Castle (Tie-In) - Philip K. Dick

I probably should have read this before I watched the Amazon series of the same name, as the series reveals the hidden plot in the book in much more detail. I think I missed out on how Dick constructed this novel with interesting, conflicted characters that are trying to find the truth and exist in a world vastly different than ours post World War II. This reminds me again how reading the novel first is the best course of action.