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Sharing my love of books as long as I can...

Currently reading

The Fiery Cross
Diana Gabaldon
Progress: 738/1443 pages
The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
Shelby Foote
Progress: 72/810 pages
The Gathering Storm
Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan
Progress: 695/766 pages

Book #882 - 354,735 Pages Read

Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Nuclear Disaster - Adam Higginbotham

This is the second book on Chernobyl I've read. This one goes into a little more detail on the people involved in the incident in the months and years after the event. It also presents a little more history on the Soviet nuclear industry and the lack of attention to safety that precedes the accident. The author has put together scientific fact and storytelling very well for a very interesting read.