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Turn The Page

Sharing my love of books as long as I can...

Currently reading

The Fiery Cross
Diana Gabaldon
Progress: 738/1443 pages
The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
Shelby Foote
Progress: 72/810 pages
The Gathering Storm
Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan
Progress: 695/766 pages

Book #880 - 353,971 Pages Read

Racing To The Finish - Dale Earnhardt

I love NASCAR and while he was driving, Junior was my favorite driver, so naturally I gravitated towards this book. I kept my expectations in check before I read it, not really expecting a work of Shakespeare or Jules Verne, but this book really surprised me. It was informative, honest, well-written, and really had a "page-turner" feel to it. It also explains a lot of things that fans like me wondered about him during certain times late in his career. I would highly recommend it for people who like autobiographies, or even partial autobiographies, of athletes or others in positions of high visibility, as it is much better written than anyone would expect.