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Sharing my love of books as long as I can...

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The Fiery Cross
Diana Gabaldon
Progress: 738/1443 pages
The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
Shelby Foote
Progress: 72/810 pages
The Gathering Storm
Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan
Progress: 695/766 pages

Book #867 - 348,855 Pages Read

Allies  - Christie Golden

Probably the best of the Fate Of The Jedi series so far...this one seems to start moving along the plot nicely, as well as add more depth to key players in this series: Luke, Ben, Vestara, Daala, etc. Han and Leia just seem to be bit players here; hopefully they will be more prominent in future installments. The plotline of the alliance between Jedi and Sith moves along here also, and still has a lot of details to flesh out in the future as well. I think the issue of Abeloth and the journey into the Maw has more to reveal as well, but it began to get very interesting in the last third of the book. The Ben/Vestara dynamic seems to be setting up as the key for this series.